A History On the Safest car Brand Ever

A History On the Safest car Brand Ever

There are many reasons that Volvo cars are the safest. Volvo has made many inventions over the years that have saved people's lives. Today I will take a deep dive into the history behind all of Volvo's safety features and what they did with them. 

One of Volvo’s first safety inventions dates back to 1944. They made glass that didn’t shatter when smashed. This is called laminated glass. This was a major development because in that era car windscreens were prone to completely shattering on impact. The glass shards were very dangerous and could easily kill a driver and passenger. This early invention would be the first of many that would save millions of lives.


In the 1950’s cars were getting really popular and that meant more crashes. So Nils Bohlin made something that would change the car safety industry forever. He created the three point seat belt. This was huge because at the time every car manufacturer was using the standard lap belt (or two point seat belt) which just went around your lap. The problem with the lap belt is that it would jerk the person out of the seat and they would hit their head so hard they would get knocked out. The extra belt that went around the shoulder restrained people from hitting their heads in a big accident. 

Volvo also made an invention for the safety of babies in cars. They invented the first rear facing baby seat. This meant that in an accident the baby seat would hit the front seat instead of the baby hitting the front seat. This was a small tweak but it made a huge difference to kid safety.

Another advancement that Volvo made was blind spot information.They created a little camera that could see a car in the drivers blind spot. When the camera picked up movement in the blind spot a little orange dot lighted up near the wing mirrors. This made freeway merging much safer because you could see if a car was coming or not.


One of the best parts about all of the safety innovations that Volvo developed was that none were patented. This meant other car manufacturers could use or replicate the features. Many of these features have become standard in most cars on the road today thanks to Volvo’s commitment to advancing automotive safety. 

When the XC90 was released in 2002 it was so safe that 18 years later no one has died in one. Volvo truly is the safest car company of all time, with over 10 million lives saved thanks to the three point seat belt alone  This just proves my point that they are super safe.

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